automobile is one of the most important inventions of the past 150 years. While it provides convenient personal transport and great independence through mobility, it has also created problems like air pollution which poses a threat to public health. The release of carbon emissions also exacerbate the trend of global warming. Authorities have to tackle the seemingly unsolvable problem of traffic congestion and the loss of urban space due to the expansion of roads. Here are a few alternative means of transport that one can take to reduce the reliance on automobiles.
Although walking may take longer, you may want to note that the extra walks you take could add time to your lifespan. According to the Mayo Clinic, walking helps you stay fit and can lower your blood pressure, maintain good cholesterol levels and generally put you in a better mood.
When it comes to energy use, walking is extremely efficient. It’s believed that saving energy is the reason why our primate ancestors went from all fours to bipedalism. Needless to say, walking is significantly more energy-efficient than driving.
There are times when walking is not feasible, perhaps because your destination is a bit too far, or because you’re in a rush. For these situations, consider biking instead of jumping in a taxi or bus. Bikes are cheap to own and do not take up much space compared to a car. In addition, you can easily weave through traffic congestion, possibly making it a quicker alternative during rush hour.
Biking is even more energy efficient than walking. Some estimates say that biking is 50 times more efficient than driving, and that the bike is one of the most energy-efficient transportation mechanisms devised by humans. Bikes also don’t take a lot of resources to manufacture compared to cars, and they don’t add pollution to the air or contribute to global warming.
When walking and biking is not practical due to longer distances and harsh weather conditions, taking the public bus or mass transit rail is a great way to get to one’s destination. Compared to driving alone, buses and mass transit rail use less fuel per passenger and reduce the amount of traffic congestion. Bus lanes during peak hours might make taking a bus even faster than taking a cab.
Simply find others who have a similar commute and ask to ride with them.
Because you can split fuel costs and cut your emissions per person, carpooling is a great way to cut down on expenses and feel good about reducing your personal environmental impact.
If everyone would be willing to make lifestyle changes and chooses greener alternative transportation modes, surely we would be taking a huge step in reversing the effects of global warming that will save our planet as well as ourselves.
Information taken from
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