The REAL Shamrock Hotel | Page 140

November 26, 2020 — Leave a comment


Image: CC BY-SA 3.0  Mattinbgn

The Shamrock Hotel (trading as Hotel Shamrock) is a grand 19th-century hotel in BendigoVictoria, Australia situated on Pall Mall, the city’s main street.

The current Shamrock building is a major landmark of Bendigo and is of historic and architectural significance to the nation of Australia as a significant building and to the state of Victoria as part of a significant streetscape and collection of late Victorian buildings in a similar style.

The Shamrock began life in 1854, as a small hotel known as The Exchange Hotel, servicing miners during the Victorian gold rush including a Cobb and Co. office and a concert hall known as the Theatre Royal.[1]

The hotel’s patronage had grown quickly with the booming goldfields and it was renamed the Shamrock in 1855. The same year the Theatre Royal hosted to Lola Montez, performing for the diggers who threw gold nuggets at her feet, many of which the Shamrock staff took as tips while cleaning. The Bendigo Shakespeare and Literary Society also performed at the theatre from 1861.

Having been through rebuilding, restoration and rebranding between 1954 to 2008, the hotel has hosted a list of notable guests including the British Royal Family – Prince Alfred (1867), Prince Alfred Victor (1881), Prince Charles and Princess Diana (1983).

Adapted from

75 Legendary Hotels Inducted into Historic Hotels Worldwide in 2018

75 hotels have been inducted into Historic Hotels Worldwide® in 2018. Hotels approved for induction into the prestigious Historic Hotels Worldwide registry are from across four continents, including 20 countries, and date as early as the 11th century. The 75 historic hotels represent independent hotels and hotels from 12 different brands, chains, and collections.

Hotels inducted into Historic Hotels Worldwide have met the following criteria: a hotel must be at least 75 years old; utilize historic accommodations; serve as the former home or be located on the grounds of the former home of famous persons or significant location for an important event in history; be located in or within walking distance to a historic district, historically significant landmark, place of historic event, or a historic city centre; be recognized by a local preservation organization or national trust; and display historic memorabilia, artwork, photography, and other examples of its historic significance. Many of the historic hotels are adaptive reuse historic hotels that have involved converting some or all of a historically significant building to a hotel. Originally, these buildings were built for another purpose in their history. Many historic hotels are located in buildings first completed for another purpose such as former castles, chateaus, palaces, academies, government buildings, warehouses, monasteries, haciendas, villas, and homes for nobility.

Guess what? Our very own Raffles Hotel in Singapore is part of this list!

Adapted from

The History of Raffles Hotel Singapore

Raffles Hotel Singapore

Julie Satow Book Talk: THE PLAZA The Secret Life of America’s Most Famous Hotel
A book about America’s most famous hotel (that has a Singapore connection)

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